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“Go Knit Something!”

Northampton Wools was opened in 1981, offering classes and selling all things yarn.

44 years later and our passion is the source of everything we do.

There’s nothing we love more than sharing our enthusiasm for fiber, knitting, and crochet with our community.

We hope we get to do the same with you soon!

Behind the Seams

Linda Daniels, the owner of Northampton Wools since 1988, is the face of knitting in downtown Northampton. Linda's designs have been featured in Interweave Knits, For Love of Knitting, and in the movies Cider House Rules and Perfect Stranger.

"Linda's latest project involved designing three Guernsey sweaters for the 75th anniversary of Plymouth Yarn, a Massachusetts-based yarn company. One design features the Mayflower on the front of the sweater, and another uses a diamond pattern to call attention to company’s diamond anniversary."

"Linda’s Hollywood knit pieces are just one element in her long history as a sweater designer. She’s knit sweaters for the runways of New York fashion week with nothing but schematic designs and some yarn. She’s designed patterns for wee-known yarn wholesalers Frog Tree Yarns, Berroco and Plymouth Yarn. "

"On the intersection of Pleasant and Armory streets downtown, Noho Wools is more than a home to Linda's designs. It’s a resource center for knitters and crocheters of all experience levels guided by the expertise and patient teachings of Linda, who has maintained the shop’s status as Northampton’s neighborhood yarn store for the past 43 years."


"Daniels says the internet has changed the knitting industry, providing greater access to tutorials, supplies and tips. But the longtime owner says the world of knitting can be intimidating, which is why she is still here helping newcomers navigate the practice."

"Every Monday at 12:30 p.m., Daniels hosts a livestream on YouTube called “Inside Northampton Wools,” where she shows off the latest merchandise, tells stories from customers and gives some knitting tips."

“We have people across the country who are watching and — this is what always blows my mind — people that take the time to email us or call us or make a comment that they’re enjoying it, they appreciate it and will continue to watch it. That kind of connection is the biggest change — everything is right there,” Daniels said.

“She is a kind person, she’s a brilliant knitter, she’s a terrific teacher, she loves sharing her passion, and that builds communities,” said Marianne Snow, a longtime student and patron at Northampton Wools. “Linda Daniels is Northampton Wools. She’s a knitting treasure.”

"Yet Daniels is always a constant at Northampton Wools. She’s in the store greeting customers and helping them with new projects. That’s where she will stay for many more years."

Quotations from Gazette article by Emilee Klein

              Our Repair Policy

We repair hand knit fabric.
We also repair crochet fabric.

We do not repair machine knit garments.

We do not repair woven fabric.

If an item has more than 6 holes we will not do that repair.

All items, especially those damaged from moths MUST BE CLEANED BEFORE entering our store.

If you are unsure if you have moth damage, call us at (413) 586-4331

and we will meet you outside the store for a consultation.

If your item needs to be repaired due to wear and tear such as seams, cuffs, elbows, that is not moths. 
However, items can have both types of damage so please check for moth damage.
If we detect moth damage, we will kindly ask you to bring it back cleaned. 

We want you to win the battle against the moths.
              The following tips will help!

First, look for signs of moth damage:
 1. If it is the first time you are taking a sweater out for the season and you notice holes that weren't there when you put it away, these are moth holes.
 2. Small, white cobwebby bits or white tube cocoons
 3. Holes only down the chest of a sweater
 4. Sandy grit near holes.
(Shake sweater over a white sheet to see if any grit falls out. If so, wash that sweater and that sheet!)
If you don't clean the sweater, moths will never stop creating more holes.

Ways to clean your sweater:
 - Soak in a bath of Eucalan wash for 45 minutes, rinse once without agitating fabric, lay flat to dry
 - Dry Clean
When to clean your sweater:
 - After wearing during a meal
 - Before putting in storage
 - After you first notice the moth holes
- Before bringing it in for repair

If you don't clean the moth damaged sweater and bring it into our store you are compromising our merchandise, and we will not be able to take in your repair until it has been cleaned.

If you are nervous that cleaning near a hole will make the hole bigger, consider this:
When we close a hole, we use the surrounding area to secure the fix. If the surrounding area is soiled, we are essentially trapping food that the moths will find, resulting in another hole. 

It is a courtesy to the person repairing your sweater to give them a clean garment.

So, how to prevent moths?

Over decades of experience, we have found that traps are the only way to stop the moth life cycle.
The traps we use and find to be the best are Bug MD Clothes Moths Boss. These are non-toxic and "made with potent pheromones that attract moths like a magnet and once they land in the trap, they're immediately stuck in PermaGlue." Trapping the adults prevents them from laying larvae that then eat any food in the fabric and the wool in that area.

The only concern for an adult moth is to lay eggs. They are attracted to animal fiber, anything with keratin, and also sweat and food. If you put up a trap and catch the adults, you can assume that they have already had time to lay larvae in any animal fiber fabric in the storage or nearby area. By cleaning the fabric, you will get rid of the larvae so that no new adults will grow. Your moth eradication will be more effective if you then thoroughly deep clean the storage area. Clear out the space to find any hidden cocoons in corners or cracks. Vacuum out any grit. Put up a fresh trap. Wipe down any wood with cedar oil. 

Any sort of herbal sachet and cedar oil must be very fresh in order to be effective. Replace often. Once a month or so. 

A cedar chest loses its effectiveness as the oil dissipates over time. If an item was in a cedar chest and got moth damage follow these steps: Empty chest, thoroughly vacuum especially corners and seams to get out any cocoons and grit. Wash all items that were in the chest to ensure no larvae remains. Reapply cedar oil to the chest. You may also want to check each join and lid fit to ensure a good seal.

Any sort of storage container that is "air-tight" but has "seams" like between the lid on a plastic bin, the moths can get in. When storing items in containers with lids you can apply strong tape to entire seam. We strongly recommend you put a Bug MD pheromone trap inside the storage container just in case.

We are happy to answer any further questions you may have!

Repair Rates

For the first small hole or pull on an item: $14

For each additional small hole/pull on same item: $2

      Example: We charge $20 for a sweater with 4 small holes

Neck Lines or Cuffs: $12 - $18
Simple Seams: $12/seam

For one large hole requiring a patch of any kind (inside patch, knitted-up patch, or leather patch)
$16 - $26 depending on the size and intricacy of the hole. 
This does not include the price of the leather patches which are $11 per pair

Sometimes these prices will be adjusted up or down depending on the amount of time the repair takes, but this is a guideline.

Lastly, a sweater with moth holes will also have weak spots in the fabric which are not yet holes. We do not generally fix these unless they are very obvious. When you start to wear the sweater or wash it, those weak spots can break open. We will gladly fix these new holes for the usual charge.